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The Journal of Endowment & Charity Studies affiliated to Ala Research Center (Novel Research in Waqf and Philanthropy), University of Isfahan, obtained its license from the Ministry of Higher Education’s Commission of Publications on July 26, 2020, while agreeing in principle with the University of Isfahan. Henceforth the journal accepts submissions.

The journal is the first academic research publication in Iran that specializes in issues and challenges in the field of philanthropy and charity. The journal’s objective is to publish original Endowment & Charity Studies, contribute to identifying and resolving problems in the field, and establish dynamic academic relations between researchers. The journal’s main criteria for accepting papers include innovation, significance, comprehensiveness and practicality. The journal gives priority to research papers that propose to resolve problems in the field. It is expected that experimental papers be backed by theoretical analysis and interpretation, and theoretical papers include practical and applied aspects depending on their subjects. The journal welcomes research papers within the following themes:

  1. Economy and management of charity and philanthropy;
  2. Historical and civilizational studies of charity and philanthropy;
  3. Religious and legal studies of charity and philanthropy;
  4. Cultural and social studies of charity and philanthropy.

Before beginning the peer review process, all submissions are verified by the plagiarism detection software Samim-e-Nour.

The Journal of Endowment & Charity Studies uses double-blind peer review and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

In line with the laws and regulations of the University of Isfahan, the corresponding author of the paper needs to be a university faculty member or an academic member of a research center. Thus the corresponding author is expected to provide an email address hosted by their university or organization.






Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 - Serial Number 3, April 2024, Pages 1-270 

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